by Max Beairsto

Prepare for Success

Selling a pharmacy successfully is no small feat – it requires meticulous preparation on both the business and personal fronts. While enhancing operational efficiency, strengthening accounting practices, and improving the store’s aesthetics are crucial tasks, there’s one aspect that is often overlooked: identifying your ideal buyer.

Look Beyond the Highest Bidder

Although the highest bidder may seem like the obvious choice, it’s essential to consider a buyer who aligns with your values and vision for the business. In today’s marketplace, buyers can be scarce, especially in rural locations, giving them the upper hand in negotiations. By defining your ideal buyer early on, you can tailor your efforts to attract the right individual or entity.

The Legacy of Your Name

For many independent pharmacies, the business name holds significant value and recognition within the community. When selling your pharmacy, ensuring that the buyer upholds the integrity of your brand is crucial. Consider the long-term implications of having your name associated with the business under new ownership.

Rural Realities

Operating a pharmacy in a rural location presents unique challenges and considerations when it comes to selling the business. With a smaller pool of potential buyers and limited pharmacy talent in rural areas, selling in such locations can be more complex. However, for the right buyer, rural pharmacies offer profitable opportunities and a central role in the community.

Tailored Marketing Approaches

Having a clear understanding of your ideal buyer allows you to craft targeted marketing strategies that highlight the aspects that would appeal to them. Whether it’s emphasizing community involvement, showcasing the benefits of a rural lifestyle, or focusing on growth potential for corporate buyers, tailoring your marketing efforts can make the selling process more effective.

Final Thoughts

Selling your pharmacy is more than just a transaction – it’s a decision that can have lasting implications for both the business and the community it serves. By identifying your ideal buyer and considering factors such as legacy, location, and marketing strategies, you can set yourself up for a successful and fulfilling sale that aligns with your values and long-term goals.

Max Beairsto received both his pharmacy degree and executive MBA from the University of Alberta. He also holds a certification as a valuation analyst with both the National and Canadian Association of Valuators and Analysts. His 28-year involvement in valuations began with the purchase of his first business in 1995, which he then sold in 2000. The Katz Group then recruited him, where he gained more valuation and acquisition experience and eventually became the Director of Acquisitions and Real Estate in Western Canada. Since 2005 through his company Evcor, he has been actively involved in valuations and business consulting, having completed hundreds of valuation assessments.